Monday, July 9, 2007

Video solution, part 3 - Media Players

This is the third post in a series where I'm trying to find a good solution for handling TV and video in my living room. In the last episode I introduced the contenders and covered the HDD recorder category.

Now on to the media players.

This is an interesting category where a ton of development is going on at the moment. If you're interested you can read up on the MPC Club forum. The most interesting option here is probably the TViX M-4100SH which has HDMI, supports resolutions up to 1080p and has a DVB-T tuner add-on. You still have a sucky GUI and a box that is pushed to its limit with HD content. It costs 3.400 SEK for the box, 900 SEK for the tuner and an additional 1.000 SEK for a 160GB HDD = 5.300 SEK. And there's no support for the matroska container, which means you might have to re-mux or re-encode stuff. Oh, and it only supports wireless networking with an external USB dongle (which adds more to the cost) and the stability is less than stellar. Some people have also reported problems with the fan noise being perceived as a problem.

AppleTV is the other interesting candidate in the media player category. For 3.700 SEK you get a box with a 160GB HDD, but no tuner capabilities. Unless you hack it, the box only support media you can watch in iTunes, which means we need to re-encode pretty much everything. It appears you can also get a tuner to work with AppleTV which is promising, but not quite there.

XBMC is a tried media center, but the xbox suffers from being to noisy and it does not support HD content.

If you are willing to wait until late this fall the Syabas Media Tank is probably the media player to get. Its only a reference design and no consumer models have yet been announced. The HW specs look excellent though and it is well worthy of consideration.

Which leaves us with the final category: a Home Theater PC. Details and options to follow in the next post in the series.

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