Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Moving to Tumblr

Koh Mook Sunset, originally uploaded by morberg.

Continuing the constant quest for the next thing I'm now trying out tumblr. Writing on this blog is of little to no interest for most people. I get that.

The constant chatter of incoherent thoughts on twitter doesn't do much for me, neither does Buzz in its current incarnation. I don't really get facebook, I don't like the walled garden.

Instead I'll use http://morberg.tumblr.com to store things I stumble upon and post the occasional picture I take (even more pictures will of course be on flickr).

This is most likely the last post here. I'm looking forward to seeing you on tumblr.

Update: I hadn't thought things through completely. I will use tumblr for things I stumble upon and think about (will mostly be in Swedish and updated at least weekly) and keep this blog for posts that might be of general interest (in English and very infrequent updates).