Wednesday, August 13, 2008

When to get a Nikon D90?

There are currently lots of rumors floating around about an upcoming digital SLR from Nikon, the D90. The camera will most likely have:
  • 12 MP resolution on a DX sensor
  • Active D-Lighting
  • Live View
  • 3" LCD
  • 4,5 fps burst mode
  • 1080i and/or 1080p video recording
  • HDMI and GPS port
I want one. But when should I get it? I looked at historical price data for Nikon cameras and kits sold in Sweden (data from and ended up with the following chart:

There is quite good correlation between different models (possibly excluding the D300) and the price drop, so a curve like this can probably be assumed for the D90 as well.

The introductory price for the D90 will probably be $1,000 and $1,300 with a 18-105 VR lens. I'm guessing this will translate to 10.000 SEK and 13.000 SEK. Now you only need to decide how much you want to pay and how long you are willing to wait.

I'm leaning towards getting the kit when the price drops to 10kSEK and I'm guessing this will happen around May 2009.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Streaming music to an AirPort Express

I have a SqueezeBox 3 in my living room that I'm really pleased with. But when the time came to add another set of connected speakers I decided to go with an AirPort Express (APE) instead and then stream to this from my MacBook.

The main reason for this was Apple's Remote application for the iPod Touch. With this I can control music playback from my iPod. The two drawbacks are that I can't listen to music locally on the MacBook while streaming to the speakers and I can't sync music between the APE and SqueezeBox. Since the APE was the cheapest alternative (900 SEK compared to 1.400 SEK for a headless SqueezeBox receiver or 2.000 SEK for the SqueezeBox 3) I went with that.

The APE can also function as a wireless router so I went to work and reinstalled my local network, putting my Netgear router out to pasture. Unfortunately the 802.11G performance was worse than with my old router. This was apparent when running VNC to my HTPC where I had to enable the lowest quality setting. Not a big problem, but a nuisance nonetheless.

Then I started to stream music to the APE. Thirty seconds went by and then the sound dropped out for a couple of seconds. Then it came back on. And dropped off again. Now it is a big problem. The SqueezeBox has a nice big buffer and decodes MP3 locally, the APE works by decoding the audio on the computer and then streaming uncompressed audio over the network. Combine this with a small buffer in the APE and you get a problem when you add other network traffic.

Other people had reported issues and if I shut down network intensive applications I could get streaming to work properly. A solution, but not very satisfying.

I then started thinking (I probably should have started with this before redoing my network). The APE can also use 802.11n - which is in the 5GHz spectrum. Why not use that? I went and got the Netgear and set up two networks; one 802.11g and one 802.11n. But now I couldn't access my MacBook (running 11n) from my Touch (running 11g) which was the main point of getting the APE to begin with.

More thinking and then I put the APE in bridge mode. Problem solved. I now use 11n for the MacBook and APE and 11g and Netgear for the rest of the network (HTPC, Touch, Wii, SqueezeBox, Kid's computer).

Friday, August 8, 2008

Wordle is kinda neat

I just found out about Wordle through Thomas Hawk's blog. Of course tag clouds is nothing new, but wordle does it with style and you can pour any kind of text content into it. The image shows my tag cloud at

I've pretty much stopped using by the way. I'm now using Foxmarks for synching bookmarks between computers and that has been working out fine for me so far.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Switching sound device with your remote

Playing a gameWelcome to more autohotkey (AHK) goodness. Building on my previous post about switching audio streams with your remote we now add switching the default audio device.

You could use any remote button you want for this, I used the hash key (#) which I don't use for anything else. I assume you already have AHK setup properly and a script for your remote. Before we continue we need to install two things for AHK:
  1. COM standard library
  2. Vista Audio/Volume Control Functions
Download both packages and extract them in the folder "My Documents\AutoHotkey\Lib\" (create it if you don't have it already).

Now you need to modify your remote script and add the following code:
; When pressing #:
; Close Media Center, change default audio device and restart Media Center

#IfWinActive ahk_class eHome Render Window
; Close application with Alt-F4
Send !{F4}

; Change default audio
device := VA_GetDevice()
device_name := VA_GetDeviceName(device)

Run, mmsys.cpl

WinWait, Ljud ahk_class #32770

if InStr(device_name, "HDMI-enhet")
ControlSend, SysListView321, {Down 2} ; second device
ControlSend, SysListView321, {Down 4} ; fourth device

ControlClick, Button2, Ljud ahk_class #32770 ; set default
ControlClick, Button4, Ljud ahk_class #32770 ; OK

; It might happen that clicking 'OK' doesn't work
IfWinExist, Ljud ahk_class #32770
WinClose, Ljud ahk_class #32770 ; close window

; Start Windows Media Center
Run, C:\Windows\ehome\ehshell.exe, , max


Note that you need to replace all occurences of "Ljud" with your local translation of "Sound" (i.e. the name of the windows with sound properties). You might need to change the path to your ehshell as well. Restart the script and presto, you can now switch the default audio device with your remote too.

Main source of information: Lexikos work as detailed in select sound source thread on AHK forums.

New graphics driver installed on the HTPC

BridgeWith the stubborness of a donkey I went and installed updated graphics driver for my HTPC. I've tried this before without much success. Why update then? I figured SP1 for Vista is probably not too shabby, and that installation can be blocked if you have old drivers.

Windows update suggested drivers for my 82G965 Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) from April 2008, so I went with those. Installed. Rebooted. No sound over HDMI.

But at Intel's page I found version from May 28 which were somewhat newer (Intel's page incorrectly says that the version number for these drivers are So the donkey went to work and downloaded that instead. Install. Reboot. Success!

I'm as surprised as you are.